The Béa Blog
Are you being upsold IVF? 5 questions to ask your fertility clinic
Feel like you’re being directed to the most expensive wine bottle on the menu (*ahem, IVF*)? These 5 questions are for you. Be bold, be brave, and feel completely entitled to ask your fertility clinic in your first consultation.
Sperm-friendly vs non-spermicidal: The lubricant deep dive
Recently we’ve had a few questions surrounding lubricant. Whether it needs to be used with the Béa Treatment, what ingredients to look out for, and what the difference is between non-spermicidal and sperm-friendly lubricant. This article will explore all of this, a lubricant (lubricated?) deepdive, if you will. Let’s go.
PCOS & TTC: Your questions, answered
Preparing for IVF: an embryologist's guide to getting the best outcome for you
Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and how fertility clinics actually score...
Redefining the term 'blue balls': Does termperature affect sperm quality?
Acupuncture and fertility - can it actually help?
Understanding ovulation induction
Understanding sperm DNA fragmentation
Understanding anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) testing
Understanding a semen analysis
How to access fertility care through the NHS
Common fertility tests & what to expect
Navigating TTC: How long does it usually take to get pregnant?
How to speak with your doctor about fertility
Best and worst things for future fertility
Fertility and contraception: Is it time to quit the pill?