Using the Béa Applicator Safely: Contraindications

Your safety and experience using the Béa Applicator and Treatment Kit is our number one priority. Please read this information before starting your treatment with us.

The Béa Applicator, and therefore the Béa Treatment, should not be used in the following situations:

  1. If it is medically unsafe for you to become pregnant, you should not use the Béa Applicator.
  2. Neither the Béa Applicator nor the Béa Cervical Cap are intended to be used during menstruation.
  3. Neither Béa Applicator nor the Béa Cervical Cap are intended for contraceptive use.
  4. You should not use the device in the following circumstances
    • If you have vaginal or uterine prolapse
    • If you have had a hysterectomy or loss of fallopian tubes
    • If you have had a colposcopy with biopsy or treatment in the last three months
    • If you have had vaginal/cervical surgery within the last three months
    • If you are currently pregnant
    • If you have a known silicone allergy
    • If you have a known sexually transmitted infection (STI)
    • If you have active vaginal irritations or lesions

Here are some of the conditions for which it is medically unsafe to perform ICI or use the Béa Applicator.

Please note that this is a list of all the reasons that someone could receive a “not suitable” result. The below may not be relevant to you, and is not a diagnosis. Contact the Béa Care Team or speak to your GP if you have any questions.

Colposcopy with Biopsy or Treatment in the Last 3 Months

A colposcopy is a test in which a doctor takes a closer look at your cervix. A small sample of cells may be taken from your cervix for testing. This is called a biopsy. The treating physician who carries out your colposcopy and/or biopsy may advise you that your cervix needs time to heal after a colposcopy and biopsy, and it might not be safe for you to get pregnant until you have been given the all clear from the treating physician or your GP. It is recommended that you wait 3 months after your colposcopy and/or biopsy before using the Béa Applicator.

Currently Pregnant

The Béa Applicator is designed to help you get pregnant. If you are already pregnant, it could be medically unsafe to attempt to insert the Béa Applicator into your vagina. Please do not use the Béa Applicator if you are already pregnant.


A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. If you have had a hysterectomy, you will be unable to conceive. ICI is not a viable fertility treatment for users who have undergone a hysterectomy. You should speak to your GP to discuss alternative family forming options.

Known Silicone Allergy

If you have a known silicone allergy you should not use the Béa Applicator as the Béa Cervical Cap (housed within the Béa Applicator and deployed onto the cervix during use) is made from silicone. Silicone and latex are not the same material. If you have a latex allergy, but do not have a silicone allergy, the Béa Applicator is safe to use. Speak to your GP or the Béa Care Team if you have any questions or concerns.

Loss of Both Fallopian Tubes

If you do not have both fallopian tubes, ICI is not a viable fertility treatment for you. Loss of fallopian tubes can be the result of a salpingectomy, a surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are removed. If you have had this procedure, unfortunately ICI will not work for you. You should speak to your GP to discuss the fertility treatments that are right for you.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can affect your health and your chances of getting pregnant. If there is any chance you or your partner have an STI, it’s important to get it diagnosed and treated before you conceive using the Béa Applicator.

Vaginal Prolapse

A vaginal prolapse (or pelvic prolapse) is when one or more of the organs in the pelvis slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina. If you have a vaginal prolapse it could be dangerous to attempt to insert the Béa Applicator and Cervical Cap into your vagina. Please contact your GP immediately if you suspect you could have a vaginal prolapse.

Vaginal/Cervical Surgery within the Last 3 Months

Vaginal or cervical surgery refers to any surgical procedure performed on the vulva, vagina or cervix. It is likely that you will be advised to wait 3 months following vaginal surgery or cervical surgery before trying to conceive as it might not be safe for you to become pregnant until the area has healed. It is recommended that you speak to the treating physician or your GP before using the Béa Applicator, or wait 3 months before using the Béa Applicator.