The Béa Blog
The Béa Applicator vs. Syringes: Why Béa delivers more
One of the topics we’re often asked about from our customers is the difference between The Béa Applicator and the syringes. It makes sense when there are a lot of brands offering insemination syringes as their main hardware, and only Béa with a custom device. Read on as we break it down.
Are you being upsold IVF? 5 questions to ask your fertility clinic
Feel like you’re being directed to the most expensive wine bottle on the menu (*ahem, IVF*)? These 5 questions are for you. Be bold, be brave, and feel completely entitled to ask your fertility clinic in your first consultation.
Sperm-friendly vs non-spermicidal: The lubricant deep dive
Recently we’ve had a few questions surrounding lubricant. Whether it needs to be used with the Béa Treatment, what ingredients to look out for, and what the difference is between non-spermicidal and sperm-friendly lubricant. This article will explore all of this, a lubricant (lubricated?) deepdive, if you will. Let’s go.
What is cervical mucus and why is it so important?
Cervical mucus is the female body’s in-built sperm processing laboratory, opening each and every menstrual cycle for one precious fertile window, and it plays a pivotal role in successful conception and delivery of healthy sperm to the egg. In this article, we will cover what cervical mucus is in more detail, how it helps people get pregnant, and what it does for sperm during conception.
The Fertility Foundation: The charity advocating for change
Alcohol and TTC: Navigating drinking over the holiday period
Folic Acid & TTC: Why you should take the supplement when trying for a baby
What is CoQ10 and can it help me conceive?
PCOS & TTC: Your questions, answered
Getting back into gear: Starting up TTC after a break
Preparing for IVF: an embryologist's guide to getting the best outcome for you
Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and how fertility clinics actually score...
Did you read the headlines about that HFEA study? 👀
Why is it SO BIG? The Béa Applicator explained
Let's hear it for the boys 👋 TTC is a team sport
WTF is an Ozempic baby? Lifting the lid on the new social hashtag
One thing we didn’t expect to see 9-months after the Ozempic storm hit was #OzempicBabies taking over. We're lifting the lid on this new social hashtag and asking the questions 'What on earth is an Ozempic Baby?' 'Does Ozempic make us more fertile?'
Redefining the term 'blue balls': Does termperature affect sperm quality?
How do I look after my mental health when trying to conceive?
Acupuncture and fertility - can it actually help?
Understanding ovulation induction
Understanding sperm DNA fragmentation