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The Béa Blog

Creating a positive workplace for fertility

Creating a positive workplace for fertility

Let's cut right to the chase. If you're an employer – regardless how big or small – here’s what you can do to support your employees. 

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Masculinity, virility and infertility

Masculinity, virility and infertility

The unspoken toll of the toxic masculinity on men. A quick Google search or skim through your Instagram feed would probably leave you with the sense that infertility is a female health issue, experienced by – and talked about by – women.

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BMI: The problem with simplifying health

BMI: The problem with simplifying health

Seemingly, BMI is one of the simplest and most accessible ways to quickly calculate an individual’s health. It is commonly used in fertility, to calculate if an individual could benefit from losing weight, which in turn can help increase fertility. However, many call into question the accuracy of this measurement.

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Tick, tick, tock, goes the biological clock (or so they say)

Tick, tick, tock, goes the biological clock (or so they say)

The idea of a ‘biological clock’ was created to describe the feeling of time pressure felt by some as they balance getting older and wanting to have children. Fertility declines with age, and the ‘biological clock’ almost perfectly describes the conflicting pressures we can feel - but does the concept still serve us? Read on as we delve deeper. 

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Exercise traps to avoid

Exercise traps to avoid

You’ve got your mind on all things fertility, and you’re trying to decide if you should work out more. Or join Crossfit. Or (gulp) hire a personal trainer…

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Embracing exercise for fertility

Embracing exercise for fertility

A quick Google search for “Serena Williams fitness routine” is enough to make most people shudder and while Serena might make it look like a piece of cake, we mere mortals don’t have to follow [insert clever cake pun here]. 

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Wrinkles or babies?

Wrinkles or babies?

Can your beauty regime harm your fertility?

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Spill the fertili-tea

Spill the fertili-tea

If you google search ashwagandha or dong quai you’ll find numerous blogs on how beneficial it can be for fertility and stress reduction. You might even be surprised to see it in some popular supplements or fertility teas. But what do we really know?

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It's getting steamy

It's getting steamy

To steam, or not to steam, that is the question... We have a new well-being motto: “Just because Gwyneth Paltrow does it, doesn’t mean you should.”   Vaginal steaming – a.k.a yoni steaming – is an alternative health remedy which involves...

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What's going on in your uterus?

What's going on in your uterus?

As International Women’s Day draws closer, you’re likely being bombarded with empowering quotes and inspirational messages but we want to help you feel empowered through education about your body and your fertility. So get ready…

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The dreaded 'M' word

The dreaded 'M' word

If you’ve been trying to conceive and it hasn’t happened as quickly as you’d like, Mother’s Day can feel like rubbing salt in a fresh wound. 

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Sync that cycle

Sync that cycle

Contrary to popular belief, cycle syncing is not when you and your friends get your periods at the same time. In reality, cycle syncing is the practice of tailoring your exercise regime to your current phase of the menstrual cycle. Sounds complicated? We’ll explain how this could benefit you. 

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Fertility Treatment Options: greater choice and transparency required

Fertility Treatment Options: greater choice and transparency required

Why the fertility treatment options currently on offer in the UK aren’t enough. The pandemic has made us acutely aware of the passage of time. But no one will have felt the loss of a year more keenly than those waiting for or undergoing fertility treatments.

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Single Parents: it's time to drop the "single" in "single mum"

Single Parents: it's time to drop the "single" in "single mum"

Is it time to drop the "single" in single mum? Regardless of their relationship status, parents are parents and they deserve to be respected for it, not shamed. “Single mum” has traditionally connoted poverty and lack of support. But the term...

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Toxic positivity and infertility

Toxic positivity and infertility

Because you wouldn’t tell someone with a broken arm to “just think positive”.

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Sex-ed and the seven myths

Sex-ed and the seven myths

Many of us remember our sex-ed classes in school, being asked to put a condom on a banana (or something of a similar shape) and being warned about teenage pregnancy. While some were lucky, and experienced a fairly neutral and informative class, others found the experience quite harrowing.

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Secondary Infertility

Secondary Infertility

We all know the drill. You say, “Let’s have a baby!” and BOOM, one baby, right on schedule. Right? Wrong.

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Planning a full house?

Planning a full house?

Let's dive right in shall we? Family planning – it doesn't matter if you want to have one child or three it's important to know when you need to start trying. Of course, everyone is different. There are lots of factors at play.

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How many eggnogs can your eggs handle?

How many eggnogs can your eggs handle?

It’s been a long year. You’re ready to kick back and have some fun at last. Office parties, Christmas markets, putting up the tree… fuelled by mulled wine in a ridiculous mug…

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The trolls are coming 😈

The trolls are coming 😈

You can draw boundaries. You can take steps to stay sane. But what if you just want to let rip? How to handle the Christmas fertility trolls (with no filter)

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The 'ideal' fertility diet

The 'ideal' fertility diet

It always seems like some people supercharge their baby-making capabilities through what they eat. That there’s a secret diet for the elite, with a special blend of nutrients…

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Trans Visibility Day 2023

Trans Visibility Day 2023

Match 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility, an annual celebration of transgender and non-binary people. Raising awareness about the massive level of discrimination, violence and daily challenges transgender people still sadly face, while celebrating their contribution to society. We know...

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Secondary Infertility: the struggle of being the elephant in the room

Secondary Infertility: the struggle of being the elephant in the room

If you don't already know, secondary infertility is when someone, who has already had children, struggles to get pregnant again. This can be really tricky to navigate because you've already got pregnant once – surely it should be just as easy the second time around, right? Wrong.

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Balancing fertility and work

Balancing fertility and work

Having fertility troubles can be exhausting and it's often difficult to put on a brave face at work.

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