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The Béa Blog

Got a love-hate relationship with resolutions?

Got a love-hate relationship with resolutions?

New year’s resolutions are like Black Friday deals. No matter how hard you try to ignore them, they have a habit of sneaking up on you. If you’re feeling the urge to make some resolutions for the new year and you’ve got your sights set on starting a family, we’re here to remind you to have compassion for yourself. 

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Why pineapples? 🍍

Why pineapples? 🍍

Pineapple tattoos. Pineapples printed on baby-grows and nursery wallpaper. Pineapples in social media profiles and hashtags. What’s going on?

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Don't fall into these diet traps

Don't fall into these diet traps

If you’re planning to have a baby, are some diets a bad idea? Should you switch your eating-ethos ASAP? Is detoxing genius or dangerous? 

With so many food cults promising miracles, all claiming to be The One And Only Solution, it’s a wild west out there!

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Let's talk about sex...ual health

Let's talk about sex...ual health

Sexually transmitted infections, or why it burns when you pee The most important thing to know is that if left untreated STIs can impact your future fertility. That means it’s important to take precautions to prevent them, recognise the signs if you have one and we recommend regular sexual health screens.

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PCOS and fertility

PCOS and fertility

It’s common for people with PCOS to worry about how it will affect their fertility, even if they aren’t planning to become pregnant any time soon. Evidence suggests that most people with PCOS will be able to conceive, however, some will require fertility treatments.

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Fertility Care 🤝 Self Care

Fertility Care 🤝 Self Care

Struggling to conceive can have an impact on your mental health and yet it’s often left out of conversations. If you’re experiencing fertility problems you may find it affects many aspects of your life, making it difficult to escape from.

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Baby loss awareness

Baby loss awareness

Trigger Warning.

This article discusses about one of the hardest parts of fertility, miscarriage. We’ll discuss what to do if you think you’re having a miscarriage, how to

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Support is key

Support is key

The experience of trying to conceive can feel like a whirlwind of cycle tracking, ovulation tests and timed intercourse, injecting hormones, side effects of medication, appointments and scheduled insemination. This is enough to stress anyone out and add a strain to your mental health and relationship.

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Fertility-proof your relationship

Fertility-proof your relationship

Let’s be honest, relationships can be hard work and external factors can really impact your relationships whether it’s your work, your family or your finances. When you’re trying to conceive this can impact your relationship with your partner and it can add additional stress. 

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AMH: is it worth the hype?

AMH: is it worth the hype?

We’re really glad you asked. This is a controversial question. Anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is linked to female fertility, so AMH testing has its uses, but it’s not a crystal ball (if only!). Whether you’ve come across AMH before or you’ve never heard of it, you’ll want the facts.

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The lowdown on men's slowdown

The lowdown on men's slowdown

You’ve probably heard the claim that male fertility stays top-notch forever. A handful of prolific male celebrities might have something to do with that…It’s time to set the record straight.

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Best and worst things for future fertility

Best and worst things for future fertility

If this one keeps you up at night too, we get it. You don’t need us to tell you there’s no equation for your future fertility. That said, there are choices you can make now that might pay off later down the line.

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To freeze or not to freeze

To freeze or not to freeze

Freezing your eggs is seen by many as an insurance policy – allowing people to delay having children, while they focus on different aspects of their life. Some are unsure if it’s right for them as egg freezing is expensive and invasive.

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The green-eyed monster

The green-eyed monster

Every December it’s the same old story. You're catching up with friends or family from home. One of them takes a deep breath. "So, everyone, I have some news!"

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Make boundaries your superpower

Make boundaries your superpower

Do you have a creeping sense of dread about being peppered with baby questions this Christmas? We hear you. The secret to coping is to protect yourself by managing the conversation from the outset. Read on for our suggestions.

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Is it time to quit the pill?

Is it time to quit the pill?

You probably learned in sex-ed how to use contraception to prevent a pregnancy (makes sense, you were underage). Unfortunately, there’s no sex-ed for adults who want to get pregnant.

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Home insemination: how a forgotten fertility treatment is making a comeback

Home insemination: how a forgotten fertility treatment is making a comeback

The inescapable truth is that fertility treatments are becoming increasingly expensive and inaccessible for many. NHS-funded treatment in England is dictated by a postcode lottery and cuts to funding mean that only 32% of the country’s IVF cycles and 6% of IUI cycles are funded by the NHS.

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