The experience of trying to conceive can feel like a whirlwind of cycle tracking, ovulation tests and timed intercourse, injecting hormones, side effects of medication, appointments and scheduled insemination. This is enough to stress anyone out and add a strain to your mental health and relationship. Finding ways to be support your partner can help alleviate that burden.
A ‘partner’ doesn’t have to be a romantic partner – they can be friends, family or anyone who is supporting you when you’re trying to get pregnant.
Be Patient
Your partner may not always be able to express what they’re feeling or thinking, but let them know that you’re there and ready to listen if they want to talk.
Set Healthy Boundaries
Some people confide in family and friends when going through fertility problems or treatment. Decide as a couple how much you want to share and set boundaries so you don’t feel pressured to share intimate details. This may include declining to attend certain social events like baby showers or family gatherings if they may be triggering to you or your partner.
Take Breaks
While you and your partner are committed to starting a family, remember to occasionally take some time to yourselves so the process doesn’t become all-consuming. Go on dates or find an activity you both enjoy so you can reconnect as a couple.
Explore Support Groups
Fertility support groups can offer a chance to talk and share experiences with others who are also trying to conceive. This can be done as a couple or individually, and provides an opportunity to discuss your emotions without feeling like you’re being a burden or being judged.
Useful Resources
- HFEA | Getting Emotional Support
- The Counselling Directory | Find counsellors who specialise in fertility
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