The Béa Blog

The Béa Applicator vs. Syringes: Why Béa delivers more

The Béa Applicator vs. Syringes: Why Béa delivers more

One of the topics we’re often asked about from our customers is the difference between The Béa Applicator and the syringes. It makes sense when there are a lot of brands offering insemination syringes as their main hardware, and only Béa with a custom device. Read on as we break it down.

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Why is it SO BIG? The Béa Applicator explained

Why is it SO BIG? The Béa Applicator explained

This week we're talking about the size of the Béa Applicator. It’s long, it’s hard, it’s intimidatingly large. It could double as the dark and brooding protagonist of ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ (IYKYK).    But why? Why is...

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Announcing Béaby Isabella

Announcing Béaby Isabella

The day has finally come. OUR VERY FIRST BÉABY HAS ARRIVED!! 

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The two-week wait

The two-week wait

There’s a lot of waiting involved when trying to conceive. Waiting to test for ovulation, waiting for ovulation, waiting to have intercourse or waiting to inseminate – waiting to just be pregnant already. But many say the hardest wait is...

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Béa Fertility Efficacy Results Are In!

Béa Fertility Efficacy Results Are In!

What an exciting week it's been at Béa, our long-awaited efficacy results are here!  39.28% pregnancy rate over 3 Béa Treatment cycles Here’s a deeper dive into the data:  56 users participated in the Research Edition study.  All users completed...

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NEW SURVEY: Thousands of Brits Seek IVF Alternatives To Get Pregnant

NEW SURVEY: Thousands of Brits Seek IVF Alternatives To Get Pregnant

A new survey released for National Fertility Awareness Week has found that thousands of Brits are turning away from IVF to seek alternative fertility treatments. Thousands of Brits are turning away from IVF to explore different fertility treatments as they...

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Home insemination: how a forgotten fertility treatment is making a comeback

Home insemination: how a forgotten fertility treatment is making a comeback

The inescapable truth is that fertility treatments are becoming increasingly expensive and inaccessible for many. NHS-funded treatment in England is dictated by a postcode lottery and cuts to funding mean that only 32% of the country’s IVF cycles and 6% of IUI cycles are funded by the NHS.

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