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If you're experiencing unexplained fertility, you may be wondering if The Béa Treatment is for you. This article will explain more about the condition, the intracervical insemination (ICI) treatment, and how to improve your chances of conceiving. 

Written by Sandy Christiansen, MSc
Lead Fertility Coach & Embryologist

In this article:

Section 1: Does the Béa Treatment work with unexplained fertility?
Section 2: What is unexplained fertility?
Section 3: What to do following an unexplained fertility diagnosis?

Does the Béa Treatment work with Unexplained Infertility?

Yes - it does! The Béa Treatment could be a good treatment option for unexplained infertility. It helps plan the timing and frequency of the inseminations for the best chances of getting pregnant. The Béa Applicator places our custom cervical cap against the cervix, holding semen in place for up to one hour. It increases the exposure to the cervical mucus, minimises the contact of semen in the vagina (where the pH can reduce sperm quality) and reduces semen backflow.

Reasons why people try ICI with unexplained infertility

  • Right here, right now.

Have you been told to “keep trying another year”? Not with us. Instant access to fertility treatment without being on a waitlist.
  • Not ready for clinical treatment

Some of our customers want to try other options before invasive clinical procedures.

  • Additional support

We know that unexplained infertility is a frustrating ‘diagnosis’. We're here to help.


    What is unexplained infertility?

    Unexplained infertility is a frustrating diagnosis, where no cause of infertility can be identified. It affects roughly 1 in 4 couples. An unexplained infertility diagnosis is only given once fertility investigations are completed and show that ovulation is happening, the fallopian tubes are open and the semen analysis is normal.

    What does unexplained infertility really mean?

    When a diagnosis of unexplained infertility is given, it is because no cause of infertility has been found with standard fertility investigations. ICI can help you conceive with unexplained infertility if the standard infertility investigations all come back normal. We've summarised this below.

    Open fallopian tubes 

    An ultrasound scan with dye will be performed to check if your fallopian tubes are open or blocked.

    The Béa Treatment is suitable if your fallopian tubes are open, as sperm will be able to swim through them to reach the egg during ovulation.

    Regular ovulation 

    A blood test to measure progesterone will be taken to check if you're ovulating.

    The Béa Treatment is suitable if you are ovulating regularly, as sperm will be able to swim to reach an available egg during ovulation.

    Normal semen analysis

    A semen analysis will be performed to check to quantity and quality of the sample.

    The Béa Treatment is suitable if you have a normal semen analysis, as it demonstrates that there are sperm that can swim to reach the egg during ovulation.

    Speaking to your GP about unexplained infertility

    Your GP may initially suggest trying to conceive with intercourse for another year as many couples with unexplained infertility conceive within the second year of trying. Your GP can help you optimise your health if there are any lifestyle changes you could be making to improve your chances of getting pregnant. They may refer you for further investigations or to a specialist for treatment.

    What else can you do following a diagnosis?

    The diagnosis of unexplained infertility is given if the standard fertility investigations come back normal. However, researchers are continuously studying how our bodies work and what other underlying conditions may contribute to infertility. This may include thyroid issues, diabetes, reduced egg quality or DNA damage in sperm. Other functional aspects include timing and frequency of sex as well.

    So what about additional tests? Are there other tests out there? Yes. Are they accessible and affordable? Not quite. The NICE guidelines recommend trying to conceive with intercourse for 2 years before any treatment will be offered, so it's unlikely you can access any additional investigations on the NHS.

    However, it's worth double checking that you've covered everything that could be impacting your fertility. Use our helpful symptoms checklist below to ensure you have explored all the salient aspects with your GP during your consultation. If not - you might want to schedule another appointment. Read our article How to speak with your doctor about fertility for more support.


    What could your symptom diary include?

    Make a record of any symptoms you experience to support conversations with your GP. It might be helpful to add any of the symptoms below: 

    Menstrual cycle symptoms 

    Monitor the length of your cycle, regularity, any vaginal discharge, heaviness of your period and presence of clots.

    Why this is important: This can be indicative of ovulatory challenges such as PCOS, infections such as STI's or pelvic disorders like endometriosis

    Tests your GP may perform:

    Blood tests may include:

    • P21. This test measures progesterone levels to assess if ovulation has taken place.
    • FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). This is used to give an indication of ovarian activity.
    • LH (luteinising hormone). LH should reach a peak before ovulation, but elevated LH levels can have an abnormal effect on the ovaries.
    • TFT (thyroid function test). Thyroid hormone levels can impact ovulation.
    • STI screen

    In addition to blood tests, you may also have a pelvic or transvaginal ultrasound examination to assess your uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

    General symptoms 

    Have you noticed extra hair appear on your face or body? Do you suffer from spots or acne? Do you experience hot flushes, headaches, mood swings or vaginal dryness?

    Why this is important: The above symptoms can be indicative of PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis and in some rare cases, early menopause.

    Tests your GP may perform:

    Blood tests may include:

    • FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). This is used to give an indication of ovarian activity.
    • LH (luteinising hormone). LH should reach a peak before ovulation, but elevated LH levels can have an abnormal effect on the ovaries.
    • TFT (thyroid function test). Thyroid hormone levels can impact ovulation.
    • Prolactin. Elevated levels of prolactin may suppress ovulation so prolactin may be checked if periods are absent.

    In addition to blood tests, you may also have a pelvic or transvaginal ultrasound examination to assess your uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Sometimes you might be referred to a gynaecologist for consideration of a laparoscopy (camera test inside pelvic cavity).

    Symptoms related to sex

    Make a note of the timing and frequency of sex. Do you experience pain during intercourse? Do you bleed after sex? Do you bleed in between periods?

    Why this is important: The above symptoms could be indicative of infections (for example STI's or pelvic infections) or a cervical condition (for example ectropion or a graze on the cervix). Pain during intercourse could be related to physical or psychological causes, including endometriosis and vaginismus.

    Tests your GP may perform:

    • STI screening
    • Ultrasound scan
    • Vaginal swabs and possible speculum investigation to visualise the cervix.
    Sometimes you might be referred to a gynaecologist for consideration of a laparoscopy (camera test inside pelvic cavity).

    Can you do anything to improve your fertility?

    Where there is no known cause for infertility, expectant management advice from your GP can help increase the chances of pregnancy. Expectant management should involve information and advice about the regularity and timing of intercourse and any lifestyle changes which might improve their chances of conceiving. We've summarised these tips below.

    1. Lifestyle changes

    There are many lifestyle changes that can improve your fertility profile, here we focus on nutrition and exercise as we know these can have the largest impact.

    Nutrition: It is important to eat a balanced diet when trying to conceive, this provides your body with enough energy and healthy vitamins and minerals to thrive. There are some specific food-types that are proven to boost fertility and in some cases reverse some hormonal imbalances. These include mint, nuts, flaxseeds and food types rich in omega-3 (eg salmon and mackerel). Studies have shown a link between ultra-processed foods and reducing fertility in men and women. This link has been shown to be stronger when combined with low fibre and high sugar, so try to cut back on sugar and processed foods.

    Exercise and movement: We know that exercise and movement improves fertility, this works by reducing inflammation, optimising circulation of sex hormones and improving immune function. This in turn increases our overall fertility. Try to find a rhythm with exercise that works for you, firstly an exercise that suits you and your lifestyle is important. Try to get yourself sweaty and out of breath 3-5 times per week. Combining this with strength based exercises is great for our fertility, along with maintaining optimal bone and joint health needed for pregnancy and beyond as well.

    If you are struggling to lose weight or are concerned your weight is an unhealthy level, then you should speak to your own GP about this and discuss various weight management methods such as weight management programmes and medical interventions.

    2. Medical options

    There are a number of medical options that can be considered depending on your history and test results profile.

    Ovulatory and bleeding problems: Typically heavy bleeding and ovulatory challenges can be tackled with methods to halt menstrual cycles such as the contraceptive pill. Although this feels counterintuitive as obviously this halts fertility also, it can often be used to reset cycles, improving regularity and overall fertility longer term. Another option in some cases such as mild PCOS is metformin, which can help lower insulin levels and encourage ovulation.

    Thyroid problems: Thyroid disorders are common and even mild, asymptomatic dysfunction can result in significant fertility challenges. A simple blood test can tell you whether this is an issue and your own GP can prescribe thyroxine in the event that your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is found to be high, meaning you may have hypothyroidism.

    3. The Béa Treatment

    The Béa Treatment could be a good treatment option for unexplained infertility. The Béa Applicator places our custom cervical cap against the cervix, holding semen in place for up to one hour. It increases the exposure to the cervical mucus, delivering 3.23 times more sperm compared with sexual intercourse or straw insemination. The cap also minimises the contact of semen in the vagina (where the pH can reduce sperm quality) and reduces semen backflow.

    Speaking to your GP about the Béa ICI Treatment

    The Béa Treatment is new on the market – it's possible your GP hasn't heard of it yet. It's an at-home fertility treatment that previously hasn't been accessible or available to purchase online. We know GP appointments are short - so here's the TL:DR version:

    The Béa Treatment is the modern take on ICI (intracervical insemination). It's an at-home fertility treatment that's affordable and accessible. It involves placing a cervical cap with semen near the cervix and it has a pregnancy rate of 50% over 6 cycles. 
