Ok, let’s start with the basics.

  • Type of couple: Heterosexual couple
  • Carrier: Rebecca, 37, low progesterone, vaginismus
  • Partner: Male, 36, no known fertility conditions
  • TTC: 1 year 3 months

First of all, where are you today?

  • I’m 22 weeks pregnant with the Béa Treatment Kit.
  • My due date is July 6th

Tell us about your fertility and how long you've been TTC...

My husband and I started trying to conceive when I was 35. Before we even began, I had fertility tests done to make sure everything was in order. All my initial results came back fine, and my husband also had his fertility tested, which confirmed no issues.

We conceived on our first attempt, but at our eight-week scan, there was no heartbeat. That was our first loss. Over the next nine months, I experienced multiple pregnancy losses, including an ectopic pregnancy and a chemical pregnancy. Each time, we would get pregnant quickly, only to lose the pregnancy shortly after.

Through private scans, I discovered that my progesterone levels were dropping at key points in my cycle—something that standard blood tests never picked up. My doctor explained that blood tests only provide a snapshot of hormone levels at a single moment, rather than tracking the fluctuations across a cycle. That was the only potential explanation for the repeated losses, but all the tests at the recurrent miscarriage clinic came back normal. Ultimately, doctors said it was just "bad luck" and encouraged us to keep trying.

Emotionally, the ectopic pregnancy was the hardest. It was the only loss where I experienced physical symptoms—pain, cramping, and bleeding—which made it feel more traumatic. I went through therapy to process the grief, but the repeated losses and the uncertainty of why it kept happening made it incredibly difficult.

What made you decide to try Béa?

I have vaginismus, which makes penetrative sex painful. While it isn’t impossible, it takes a lot of effort, and that added stress on top of trying to conceive felt overwhelming. I didn’t want anxiety about pain to interfere with our chances, so we started looking for at-home insemination kits.

Initially, we found a product on Amazon and used that. Then I came across Béa through a former colleague who had shared something about it on LinkedIn. I had actually seen Béa before they even launched and had put my name down for market research. When I saw they were finally available, it felt like the perfect fit for us. My husband, who works in product development, liked the engineering behind it, and it just made sense to me scientifically. So we made the switch.


"Unlike the other at-home insemination kits we had tried, Béa wasn’t just a syringe—it had real engineering behind it."


How did you feel about using the Béa Treatment?

I was weirdly excited to use it! It felt like a proper, well-thought-out solution designed for people like me. Unlike the other at-home insemination kits we had tried, Béa wasn’t just a syringe—it had real engineering behind it.

The way the applicator worked, ensuring the semen was placed at the cervix and held there, made complete sense to me. It felt like we were giving ourselves the best possible chance. Compared to the previous kit we used, which was just a small syringe, Béa felt like a medical-grade solution with an intentional design. I loved that the instructions were clear and easy to follow, and it made the entire process feel more structured rather than trial-and-error.

The support provided throughout the treatment was also great. Sandy was incredible—so warm, understanding, and knowledgeable, but also realistic. She gave us great advice and was really supportive throughout our journey.


"It’s amazing to know that this kind of option exists for people who need it."


How do you feel about Béa now that you’re pregnant?

I’m incredibly grateful for Béa. It made conception feel less stressful and removed a huge barrier for us. Without it, trying to conceive would have felt much more overwhelming. It’s amazing to know that this kind of option exists for people who need it.

We still have two kits left, and my husband and I have talked about trying naturally if we decide to have another baby, but we also know that Béa is there as a reliable option if we need it again.

How did your partner feel about Béa?

At first, my husband was a bit wary. He worried that using Béa would make conception feel too clinical or take away from the natural process. He also didn’t want us to stop trying naturally altogether.

But as time went on and we continued using Béa, he saw how much easier and less stressful it made things for me. Now, he’s completely on board and grateful that we found something that worked. He even commented on the product design and appreciated how well-thought-out it was from an engineering perspective.


"Béa gave us control over our conception journey in a way that nothing else could."


Would you recommend Béa to others that are TTC?

100%, without a doubt. It’s an incredible option for anyone trying to conceive, particularly those dealing with physical barriers to penetrative sex or anxiety around timed intercourse. It gave us control over our conception journey in a way that nothing else could.

Is there anything we could have done to help support you better?

The only thing I would have loved is a more formal way to connect with other people using Béa for similar reasons. When I reached out to customer support, I asked if there were others in the community with vaginismus because I had only ever met one other person with it in real life. It’s such an isolating experience, and it would have been helpful to have a network or community where we could share experiences.

I actually ended up joining a London-based fertility support group that met for monthly walks, and I found it so valuable. I think a similar initiative for Béa users—something casual and not overly structured—could be really helpful.

If you met someone going through a similar TTC journey as yourself, what top tips would you give them?

  1. Talk about it. TTC can be incredibly lonely, especially if you’re going through repeated losses. Talking about it, even with just one trusted person, can help lighten the emotional burden.
  2. Find something for yourself. Trying to conceive can be all-consuming, so do something that’s just for you. I took up tennis—something completely unrelated to fertility—so I could have a space where I didn’t have to think or talk about it.